Northcity4 seminar: Exchanges and Sisterworks
Maryann Talia Pau is one of the speakers at tomorrow night's seminar Exchanges at Northcity4.
I find the work and practice of Maryann incredibly inspiring.
Not only is her work innovative and beautiful, Maryann also works on a number of projects with the wider community, sharing her cultural beliefs and traditions as well as a political conscience with projects such as 1 Million Stars to End Violence.
If you would like to hear Maryann talk about her practice, this is an excellent opportunity to do so.
“For me, weaving is inherently innovative and healing. It is a special head, heart and hand language that demands agility, courage and good old fashioned patience. When I weave, whether its with materials, words or ideas, I imagine my ancestors - their humour, wisdom and mischief and how that can inform my identity as an Australian with roots in Samoa.“
“Every piece comes from love. For me it has to. That’s the most important power for me.”
Maryann Talia Pau
This year Northcity4 hosted a star weaving workshop with Maryann and hope to do more in the future.
Another event that coincides with the seminar is the Sisterworks installation on the outside of the building.
SisterWorks is a social enterprise that provides practical support to women refugees and asylum seekers, assisting them to achieve economic independence as the makers of handcrafted products.
Northcity4 invited Minna Loft, an Fine Arts Honours student at Monash University, to propose an installation for the facade of Northcity4.
Minna who also volunteers at SisterWorks has curated a
collaboration between SisterWorks and Northcity4 to create awareness about
A one day workshop was held at NC4 in September this year, where women met
and crafted the pieces for the window display.
On Saturday October 12 2013, the pieces were installed and
SisterWorks set up a small pop up stall at NC4 to sell and showcase their work.
SisterWorks will have a selection of handcrafted pieces on
display and for sale at the seminar tomorrow night. I have seen some of the work and it is amazing.
The Key of Sea will also be selling CDs an their recently published journal, and Maryann will be selling some of her work.
So there is a lot on offer at our seminar this Thursday night.
You can buy tickets at the Northcity4 website and tickets will also be available at the door.
I hope that you can join us for this special event.