Anita Cummins, Draw the line
new work by Anita Cummins in a solo show, Draw the line
Draw the line is a material investigation into how obsessive-compulsive drawing and collecting can be explored through spatial practice. This project begins with a packet of textas and a box of sedimentary packaging amassed for re-purposing. Throughout the repetitive and spontaneous mark-making process, a delicate balance is sought between knowledge-based and intuitive decisions in relation to colour and spatial arrangements. Combinations are discovered or revisited and as the packet of textas is pushed to the limit, some colours remain saturated while others begin to fade over time. The resulting work forms a celebratory offering in the surrendering to addictive behaviours in art production.
BUS Projects
Basement Level, Donkey Wheel House, 673 Bourke Street
Draw the line is a material investigation into how obsessive-compulsive drawing and collecting can be explored through spatial practice. This project begins with a packet of textas and a box of sedimentary packaging amassed for re-purposing. Throughout the repetitive and spontaneous mark-making process, a delicate balance is sought between knowledge-based and intuitive decisions in relation to colour and spatial arrangements. Combinations are discovered or revisited and as the packet of textas is pushed to the limit, some colours remain saturated while others begin to fade over time. The resulting work forms a celebratory offering in the surrendering to addictive behaviours in art production.
Basement Level, Donkey Wheel House, 673 Bourke Street