Connect 7 : Product Design/Jewellery NMIT Greensborough
Tonight at Off the Kerb Gallery in Collingwood is the opening of the final NMIT Greensborough Product Design/Jewellery Graduate show.It is much cause for celebration for the 7 students involved, but a very sad day for the jewellery world as the course itself is closing.
I am very sad about this. Sad and disappointed. Are institutions forgetting what is important about education? Does big always mean best? In Melbourne we have RMIT, Monash, NMIT Fairfield, Box Hill Tafe, all offering amazing courses for jewellery students, providing jobs for teachers, creating a jewellery environment which Victoria is renowned for. NMIT Greensborough has had an important place within this circle of institutions.
Caz Guiney has done an amazing job of running this course, along with an incredible group of teachers.
In the words of Caz Guiney:
Yes it is the end of an era and deserves a send off.
The Diploma of Product/Jewellery Design course has fallen victim to the economic rationalisation that is plaguing educational arts institutions. The Visual Arts Department at NMIT is slowly shrinking, ceramics and sculpture have both been swiped and the jewellery course was ‘retired’ and the last group of students graduate this year.
Please come and join the current group of 7 brave students to celebrate the work they have completed under difficult circumstances. We will be joined by staff and students from the past to acknowledge the significant contribution the Product Design course has made to the plethora of wonderful makers currently practicing in Melbourne.
I have not been able to attach the invitation, but the students have set up a blog.
I wish the students and teachers all the best.
Connect 7
Off the Kerb Gallery
66B Johnston Street, Collingwood, Melbourne