wedding rings

wed v.t. 1. to bind oneself to (a person) in marriage; take for husband or wife. 2. to unite (a couple) or join (one person to another) in marriage or wedlock; marry. 3. to bind by close or lasting ties; attach firmly...

ring n. 1. a circular band of metal or other material, esp. one of gold or other precious metal, often set with gems, for wearing on the finger as an ornament, a token of betrothal or marriage, etc. 2. anything having the form of a circular band. 3. a circular line or mark...

circle n. 1. a closed plane curve which is at all points equidistant from a fixed point within it, called the centre...3. any circular object, formation, or arrangement...5. a ring; a circulet; crown...9. the area within which something acts, exerts influence, etc...

eternity n. 1.infinite time;duration without beginning or end. 2.eternal existence, contrasted with mortal life. 3. an endless or seemingly endless period of time.

gold n. 1. a precious yellow metal, highly malleable and ductile, and free from liability to rust...3. money; wealth. 4. something likened to this metal in brightness, preciousness, etc.: a heart of gold...


far more sweetsounding than a lyre
golder than gold
