black, part 2 ( Chatelaine House)
The body of work I produced for my Master of Arts was predominantly black. This was for a number of reasons. The Black series was exploring an era - Nineteenth century,the Victorian era. I was also looking at how choice of material as well as colour can create a narrative. I have already put a number of these images on this blog, but thought I would put the rest of the collection up as well. The first three images are by Terence Bogue. The rest of the images I took last year when I exhibited this work with the Distant Elegies painting series at Upstairs Flinders. This house is called Chatelaine House, trailing out of the house are a ' facial nerves' made from lines of beads. The nerves depicted are those that affect sight, smell, hearing and taste.
Some images of the installation at Upstairs Flinders.
Some images of the installation at Upstairs Flinders.