Katherine Bowman

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A ring is 'anything having the form of a circular band!

-Macquarie dictionary.

There are 21 definitions for the ring in the listing in this dictionary.

Basically, a ring is as varied and individual as the person who wears it. It can be anything, metal, shell, plastic, paper. Found or created.

Some days I wear all the rings! Other days only one. It depends on many things. I can not wear rings on my right hand. It makes me feel claustrophobic. I often wonder if it is because my hand works so hard it can't deal with anything else. I only wear rings on my left middle finger, it is the only finger my hand can tolerate having something on it.

I have made rings now for more than 20 years and I am still engaged and inspired by this one form. I have many many ideas for new rings, and am trying to have time and space to explore these. Hopefully soon.

The best part of what I do is working with people to make individual pieces and that takes up most of my making time.

I think that rings find the right people. Lately I have loved watching clients chose a ring for themselves. Some come in with a fixed idea, then this magic thing happens where a colour or texture captivates, and then the client lands on something unexpected and it becomes the right thing, the right ring for the right person.

This hand belongs to Armada, we were photographing my work and this is what she chose to wear. All the rings!

If jewellery is about enriching the daily experience, to carry with oneself through life, then it's value is far greater than the materials it is made from and it doesn't speak to fashion but longevity of experience. That is what I keep wanting to explore.