what I am looking at
Goya , The Straw Manikin
oil on canvas 267 x 160cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Goya , Witches in the Air
oil on canvas 43.5 x 31.5 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid
images from here
also Susie Cowie
(thanks to Primoeza for the link)
Nalini Malini
Listening to the Shades 17
Acrylic, ink and enamel reverse painting on acrylic sheet, 2008
Nalini Malini
Listening to the Shades7
Acrylic, ink and enamel reverse painting on acrylic sheet, 2008
from here
Lynda Benglis
Untitled 1972
cotton bunting, plaster, glitter, and paint over aluminum screen
Lynda Benglis
Omnicron 1972
Cotton bunting, sculpt metal and mylar sparkles